Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Serengeti (Mara River)...Magical Place.

We were just driving along the scenic beautiful Mara river enjoying game viewing, then as we were going from number nine to eight wildebeest crossing point suddenly around the corner came a raft of hippos in the river and merely two meters from were The hippos are there was a live Wildebeest in the Water,it looked as if it were stuck in the mud/rock,one of the hippo inquestively came close by the stuck Gnu face to face as if in staring contest, and gently he nudged the gnu of from were it was held,possibly giving a nature helping hand to an unusual neighbour, slowly the gnu swam towards the river bank suddenly it stopped halfway before it reached to the river bank probably to catch a breath,immediately when the GNU stopped the hippo came rushing and drawn it,consequently he began biting the Gnu and we noticed that the animal was in agony course it had a broken leg, it died from being drawn and bit by the hippo, eventually after it died from what seemingly unusual behavior to these Large grass eating mammal, he began to bite and trying to get a chunk of meat of the Wildebeest, nature's unpredictable ..

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